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How To Be A Fun Texter

Tips for Being an Engaging Texter

Texting has become a key part of modern dating. It’s the way we communicate with potential partners, build relationships and get to know each other. To be an engaging texter, consider the following tips:

  • Make sure to respond promptly – don’t wait hours or days before responding as this shows you aren’t interested.
  • Keep conversations going by asking questions and being curious about your partner’s life and interests.
  • Show your personality – use humor, share stories and anecdotes, let them know what makes you unique!
  • Don’t over-text – too many messages can be overwhelming, so keep it short and sweet.

Creative Ways to Keep a Conversation Going

  • Ask open-ended questions: Asking questions that can’t be answered with a simple “yes” or “no” help to keep the conversation flowing. Try to ask something that allows your date to give more than one word answers, like “What do you enjoy doing in your spare time?”
  • Keep it light: No one wants to get into deep conversations on the first date, so try not to steer the conversation towards heavy topics such as religion and politics. Instead, choose easy topics like current events or movies you have seen lately.
  • Share stories: To keep the conversation going and make it more interesting, share an amusing story about yourself or something funny that happened recently.


OneNightFriend is an online dating website that specializes in helping people make connections and form meaningful relationships. It’s a great way to meet new people, and it can also help you improve your texting skills if you’re looking for tips on how to be a fun texter. When it comes to texting, OneNightFriend offers some helpful advice.

They advise against being overly serious or too pushy with your messages. Instead, focus on lighthearted topics that will keep the conversation interesting for both parties. This could include asking about each other’s hobbies or interests, exchanging funny stories or jokes, and making occasional compliments.


YourSecretHookup is one of the most popular dating sites out there. It’s designed to encourage people to meet up with someone they’re interested in, and while it can be used for casual flings and hookups, it can also be used to find more meaningful relationships.

Being a good texter is an important part of online dating. If you’re using YourSecretHookup, you need to make sure that your messages are fun and engaging. Here are some tips on how to do just that:

Keep your messages lighthearted and positive.


If you’re looking to make a connection with someone special, FlirtHookup is the perfect dating app for you! With its easy-to-use interface and fun features, it’s the perfect way to meet someone special. Plus, if you want to learn how to be a great texter, FlirtHookup has some excellent advice.

From sending fun emojis and GIFs to using humor and puns when appropriate, this app makes it easy for users to flirt their way into a relationship. Not only that, but FlirtHookup also offers tips on how to craft interesting conversation starters that get people talking.

Silver Daddy

Being a fun texter on Silver Daddy can be both exciting and intimidating. On the one hand, it provides an opportunity to connect with potential dates in ways that would otherwise be impossible. On the other hand, it can also feel overwhelming due to the sheer amount of information available on this app.

The key is to make sure your messages are interesting and engaging without coming off as overly aggressive or needy. Here are some tips for being a fun texter on Silver Daddy:

1) Make sure you introduce yourself properly when you first start messaging someone – let them know who you are and what kind of relationship you’re looking for.


When it comes to texting, you can take your pick from the plethora of dating apps available on the market today. One of our favorites is Xpress, an interactive and fun app that allows for easy communication between two people interested in getting to know one another better. Whether you’re looking for a pen pal, a friend or something more serious, Xpress has got you covered.

The user interface is intuitive and easy to navigate – no need to be tech-savvy here! Plus, with features like unlimited messaging, video chats and advanced search options, there’s plenty of ways to get creative when texting someone on Xpress.


When it comes to texting on the popular dating site OneBBW, having fun is key. The key to being a fun texter is understanding how to use the platform correctly and making sure your conversations are enjoyable for both parties.

Start off by getting to know each other better. Ask questions about their interests, hobbies, and passions so that you can develop an engaging conversation that’s not too one-sided. Once you start getting into a flow of messaging back and forth, don’t be afraid to inject some humour into your conversations as this can make them much more enjoyable.

Ideas for Flirty Texts

Flirting doesn’t need to be complicated. A few cleverly worded texts can do the trick! Here are some ideas for flirty texts that will get your crush’s heart racing:

  • “I’m having trouble figuring out what I like more: you or this delicious takeout I’m eating right now.”
  • “Let’s just say my plans for the night involve me, you, and a whole lot of fun…”
  • “I was just thinking about you and wanted to tell you how amazing you look today.”
  • “I’ve been daydreaming about our next date…”
  • “Hey cutie, what are you up to?”

What’s your most daring adventure?

My most daring adventure was traveling solo across Europe for a month. It was one of the best experiences of my life as I explored some of the world’s most amazing cities and countries. From London to Berlin, Paris to Amsterdam and beyond, I experienced a variety of cultures, languages and history first-hand. I also had the opportunity to meet some incredible people who taught me about their way of life and shared stories that will stay with me forever. It was an incredible journey filled with ups and downs that helped shape me into the person I am today – confident, adventurous, fearless and determined!

What’s the craziest thing you’ve ever done?

The craziest thing I’ve ever done was to take a spontaneous road trip across the country with some swinger sites of my friends! We only had a few days notice, but we managed to get everything together and hit the open road. It was an unforgettable experience that allowed us to make amazing memories and see so many new places.

Do you believe in love at first sight?

Yes, I definitely believe in love at first sight! I mean, look at fairy tales – Cinderella and Sleeping Beauty were both struck with love the moment they saw their prince! So why can’t it happen for us too? Sure, it’s a bit of a longshot, but if you’re open to the possibilities you never know who or what may be around the corner. Who knows? Maybe that special someone is just a few swipes away!

If you could travel anywhere, where would it be?

If I could travel anywhere, it would be to New Zealand. Not only is it a beautiful country with stunning landscapes and wildlife, but it also offers plenty of adventure activities like hiking and bungee jumping that make for an unforgettable experience. Plus, there are many unique cultural experiences to explore such as the traditional Māori culture and its rich heritage. I’m sure I would have a lot of fun exploring this amazing place!

Who was your celebrity crush growing up?

My celebrity crush growing up was definitely Justin Timberlake. His music, his style, and his sense of humor made him the ideal celebrity crush for me. Plus, he’s always been a great role model!

What’s the best prank you’ve ever pulled off?

One of the best pranks I’ve ever pulled off was texting my date from a fake phone number. I used an app to generate a random phone number which allowed me to text them without revealing my identity. When they asked who it was, I just responded with something silly like “a secret admirer” or “your future husband!” It ended up being really funny and we had a great time laughing about it.

What would be your ideal date night?

An ideal date night could include a lot of different activities, depending on what your interests are. If you both love to laugh and have fun, why not try checking out a local comedy show? Alternatively, you could go benefits of being short girl for dinner and drinks at your favorite restaurant or catch a movie at the theater. If you’re looking for something more low-key, rent a few movies and curl up with some popcorn or take a picnic to the park.

No matter what activity you choose for your date night, don’t forget about having good conversation! Being an engaging texter is key in maintaining healthy relationships.

What’s something that made you laugh recently?

My recent laugh out loud moment was when my date asked me if I wanted to play a game of ‘How Well Do You Know Your Date’! It’s like a real-life version of a personality quiz – and let me tell you, it was hilarious to hear the answers we both came up with!

How do you like to spend a lazy Sunday afternoon?

One great way to have fun on a lazy Sunday afternoon is to engage in some flirty texting with your partner. Texting can be an effective way to get to know each other better, share jokes and interesting stories, and show your interest in one another. It’s important to keep things lighthearted and fun when texting someone you’re dating, so try using emojis or funny gifs every now and then to add a bit of humor into the conversation.